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You part the bushes. Sheltered within, amid a colorful flower bed, a tiny mauve dragon is practising flaming. Most unusual, you're sure you've heard of a purple dragon but mauve & a fire breather too! With all of its attention focused on the task at claw, it doesn't notice your presence & curiosity draws you forward.

You are being watched. You are sure of it, you look about but see nothing unusual, well a mauve dragon of course but you knew about that. Still perhaps it would be prudent to find someone in the Realms & get a little more information about the creature first. You turn back to the path that runs north & south.

---oOo--- Web Travel ---oOo--- .

Dated: 19 April 1997
Updated: 23 January 2007
© information : Browser notes.
Dragon :Ben Ford :<benford@wpi.edu>
Insect & flowers :Joan Stark's Ascii Art.
§ adapted by afactor