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You step into cool shade of the Rotunda, a lovely retreat, colorful cushions have been scattered along the benches for those who wish to rest a while. Beyond the railing, spring flowers brighten edge of the lawn & A butterfly hangs suspended above a bloom. A caterpillar moves swiftly then freezes, camouflaged against it's verdant background.

Delightful, but it is time to return to the path, there are mysteries to solve & dragons to meet.

---oOo--- Web Travel ---oOo--- .

Dated: 1 May 1997
Updated: 23 January 2007
Butterfly : B. K. Bullock
© information : Browser notes.
Caterpillar : Joan Stark's Ascii Art.
Frog : Source unknown - Paul's Ascii Art Archive.
§ adapted by afactor Flowers : Hayley Jane Wakenshaw Flump's Ascii Collection.